Dear Ship Owners / Managers / Masters,
Kindly be informed that, as per Environmental Protection and Control Directorates instructions and authority Mardas Port is being inspected by Coast Guard officers just like other ports and anchorage areas of Turkish waters. Metropolıtan Municipality of Istanbul has prohibited discharging any kind of dirty ballast water such as bilge water, washbasin water, scrap dust etc
according to the environment law,. After taking samples from the ship together with the polutted area they warn the Harbour Master to arrest the vsl up to the time that punishment is being paid.
We would like to call all our clients attention that these fines may reach very huge amounts calculated over vsls grt and the type of the pollution occured. In the light of above, please warn your masters to be more sensitive about enviromental matters and kindly make them take the necessary precautions in order to avoid unexpected expenses/delays.